A brief history on EveryAware
In the context of the EU project EveryAware, the EveryAware platform was developed by the KDE Group at the University of Kassel and the DMIR Group at the University of Würzburg together with the L3S Research Center at the University of Hannover. It was designed for collecting, processing, analyzing, visualizing, and understanding sensor data (objective) in combination with human perceptions (subjective data). And it was used for applications like measuring noise pollution (WideNoise) and monitoring air quality (AirProbe). For more information on WideNoise and AirProbe, please see below.
Since the EU project
Since then, the EveryAware platform has come a long way. With Martin Becker as the lead developer, the DMIR Research Group has been continuously working on the EveryAware platform to make it bigger and better. Many students and PhD candidates (e.g., Hauke Mewes, Michael Steininger, Robert Leppich, to name just a few) have contributed by writing new apps, generalizing the API and visualization capabilities, and preparing EveryAware for real big data!
Moving on
We are now ready for a new start. The next releases will introduce breaking changes. As a consequence, we decided to shut down the current service and move to a new home. With this new start, our goal is to serve a powerful data API as well as generic visualization tools, while enabling practitioners and researchers alike to develop their own customized frontends or embed their data into their own homepages. The new entry point will be available at:
Please stay tuned for updates.References
The following paper is the preferred paper to cite when referencing the EveryAware platform. While we have a few follow-up reports, it is the main reference giving insights on the architecture as used during the EU project EveryAware.
Becker, Martin ; Mueller, Juergen ; Hotho, Andreas ; Stumme, Gerd:
A Generic Platform for Ubiquitous and Subjective Data.
In: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Crowdsensing Architecture and Applications, PUCAA 2013.
The WideNoise module of the EU project EveryAware was concerned with the analysis of the behavior of individuals involved in noise pollution sensing. Citizens have been involved in noise measuring activities through the WideNoise smartphone application available for Android and iPhone.

The WideNoise application has been designed to record both objective (noise samples) and subjective (opinions, feelings) data. The application has been open to be used freely by anyone and has been widely employed worldwide. In addition, several test cases have been organized in European countries.
Based on the information submitted by users, an analysis of emerging awareness and learning was performed. The data showed that changes can be observed with regard to the way the environment is perceived after repeated usage of the application. Specifically, users learn how to recognize different noise levels they are exposed to. Additionally, the subjective data collected indicated an increased user involvement in time and a categorization effect between pleasant and less pleasant environments. For more information see the reference article listed below.
Current state and future plans
The EveryAware platform provided the backend, data processing capabilities as well as several visualizations including a concise map view. With the shutdown of the EveryAware platform, online statistics and visualizations are not available anymore. Also, the functionality of the mobile apps is currently limited. They only support measuring noise neglecting subjective information. However, we plan to bring WideNoise back online in the near future as soon as we find a group of motivated students (*fingers crossed* ;D).

References and data
The main publication with regard to WideNoise is:
Becker, Martin ; Caminiti, Saverio ; Fiorella, Donato ; Francis, Louise ; Gravino, Pietro ; Haklay, Mordechai (Muki) ; Hotho, Andreas ; Loreto, Vittorio ; Mueller, Juergen ; Ricchiuti, Ferdinando ; Servedio, Vito D. P. ; Sirbu, Alina ; Tria, Francesca:
Awareness and learning in participatory noise sensing.
In: PLOS ONE, 8 (2013), Nr. 12, S. e81638
If your are interested in the data collected in the context of the WideNoise app for research purposes, please head over to:
If you are a former WideNoise user and you have questions about your data, please contact us directly:
- kde +AT+ cs.uni-kassel.de
The AirProbe case study of the EU project EveryAware was concerned with air pollution monitoring using low cost sensing devices, combined with a web-based game (hosted on the specifically developed game platform XTribe) to monitor perceived levels of pollution. Mobile measurements were supported by an Android application (discontinued) and a sensor box developed in the context of the EveryAware project.

The research goal, similar to WideNoise, was to study shifts in perceptions together with insights into emerging participatory patterns. Interesting effects related to inertia and to direct involvement in measurement activities rather than indirect information exposure were found, indicating that direct involvement can enhance learning and environmental awareness. For more information see the reference article listed below.
Current state and future plans
The EveryAware platform provided the backend, data processing capabilities as well as visualizations including a concise map view. Also several supporting elements for the measurement campaign were provided. With the shutdown of EveryAware the original AirProbe API and frontend is discontinued. However, we have acquired a DFG funded project called p2map for which we are working on a redesigned and enhanced experience of mobile participcatory air quality monitoring. Stay tuned at:

References and data
The main publication with regard to AirProbe is:
Sîrbu, Alina ; Becker, Martin ; Caminiti, Saverio ; De Baets, Bernard ; Elen, Bart ; Francis, Louise ; Gravino, Pietro ; Hotho, Andreas ; Ingarra, Stefano ; Loreto, Vittorio ; Molino, Andrea ; Mueller, Juergen ; Peters, Jan ; Ricchiuti, Ferdinando ; Saracino, Fabio ; Servedio, Vito D. P. ; Stumme, Gerd ; Theunis, Jan ; Tria, Francesca ; Van den Bossche, Joris:
Participatory Patterns in an International Air Quality Monitoring Initiative.
In: PLoS ONE, 10 (2015), Nr. 8, S. e0136763
If your are interested in the data collected in the context of the AirProbe case study, please head over to:
If you are a former AirProbe participant and you have questions about your data, please contact us directly:
- kde +AT+ cs.uni-kassel.de
References and resources
Here we summarize the references listed throughout this article and provide some additional information sources and resources for you to explore.References
The three main references listed in the article concern the EveryAware platform, the main results of WideNoise as well as the main results of the AirProbe campaign.-
The EveryAware platform:
Becker, Martin ; Mueller, Juergen ; Hotho, Andreas ; Stumme, Gerd:
A Generic Platform for Ubiquitous and Subjective Data.
In: 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Urban Crowdsensing Architecture and Applications, PUCAA 2013.
Becker, Martin ; Caminiti, Saverio ; Fiorella, Donato ; Francis, Louise ; Gravino, Pietro ; Haklay, Mordechai (Muki) ; Hotho, Andreas ; Loreto, Vittorio ; Mueller, Juergen ; Ricchiuti, Ferdinando ; Servedio, Vito D. P. ; Sirbu, Alina ; Tria, Francesca:
Awareness and learning in participatory noise sensing.
In: PLOS ONE, 8 (2013), Nr. 12, S. e81638 -
Sîrbu, Alina ; Becker, Martin ; Caminiti, Saverio ; De Baets, Bernard ; Elen, Bart ; Francis, Louise ; Gravino, Pietro ; Hotho, Andreas ; Ingarra, Stefano ; Loreto, Vittorio ; Molino, Andrea ; Mueller, Juergen ; Peters, Jan ; Ricchiuti, Ferdinando ; Saracino, Fabio ; Servedio, Vito D. P. ; Stumme, Gerd ; Theunis, Jan ; Tria, Francesca ; Van den Bossche, Joris:
Participatory Patterns in an International Air Quality Monitoring Initiative.
In: PLoS ONE, 10 (2015), Nr. 8, S. e0136763
The "EveryAware Book":
Loreto, Vittorio ; Haklay, Muki ; Hotho, Andreas ; Servedio, Vito DP ; Stumme, Gerd ; Theunis, Jan ; Tria, Francesca:
Participatory Sensing, Opinions and Collective Awareness.
Springer, 2016 -
Deliverables of the EU project EveryAware:
The EveryAware platform is open source. It is currently actively developed and maintained at: The original code of the platform as well as additional components can be found at:Data
The data of the projects is available in anonymized form for research. Also users can request their data from us.Users
For users having contributed data the EveryAware platform, please contact us directly to request your data:- kde +AT+ cs.uni-kassel.de
The data collected via the EveryAware platform during the EU project is available for research purposes. This particularly includes the data used to derive the results from the papers in the app section above.
For question about the data plase contact:-
KDE Group at the University of Kassel
kde +AT+ cs.uni-kassel.de
EveryAware platform
For technical details about the EveryAware platform and its development please contact one of the following:-
Martin Becker
becker +AT+ informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de -
DMIR Research Group (Andreas Hotho)
info +AT+ dmir.org
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